September 5, 2014

Kentucky: Forecastle Festival

Since we are on the topic of festivals and since my friends are all off without me getting crazy on the Playa and watching the Man burn, I thought I would share some photos of our recent adventures in Louisville, Kentucky, where we attended the Forecastle Festival

This music festival... was not our typical festival experience. Usually you can find us getting muddy in the woods or in the fields, stacked in tents around ad hoc camps for the duration. Generally we endure cold, wet, and everything in between for the sake of the music, the party, and the chance to rough-it together. 

Dirty hippies - get off my lawn!! Forecastle, however, was located right in the heart of Louisville, Kentucky and offered no options for camping. Perplexed, we did something highly unusual for our proud, tent-dwelling posse: we rented a flat. 

And boy, what a flat it was!! In one stylish room, the host of this odd rent-a-condo crammed 15 beds into one room with a spectacular view of the city, all for a low price AND free whiskey. From there, it was only a short walk to the fest. Despite the fact that our instinct was to set up a tent anyway, is was quite luxurious for us. Just imagine going to a festival and getting to shower. every. night!

The festival was held on some really neat grounds too. The Louisville Waterfront Park has a great view of Indiana across the Ohio River and goes right underneath Interstate 64. There was also an awesome stage directly under the overpass for an authentic hobo-style experience with a live EDM soundtrack. 

The music was really good (particularly The Billy Goat Strut Review and Spanish Gold) and we were able to keep it pretty weird even though we didn't have our typical cover of trees and darkness to creep around in. Sometimes in the city you just have to play normal.

Yea, right. Aside from festival-ing, we drank beers and whiskey, got zirmed, explored the city, visited Waffle House, and ate delicious burgers at Sidebar at Whiskey Row. Eventually, we all said goodby to our chic flat and scattered off to our respective sides of the country with a solid summer festival experience logged for future reference.

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