January 12, 2014

Smokin' Meats

One of the things Zy and I have in common is our love of cooking. Sunday night dinners and weeknight grill parties were definite highlights of our time in Boston. My favorite thing to cook (and eat) is a big fatty piece of meat. It could be pork, chicken, beef or lamb. Stewed, roasted, braised, baked. However that slab of meat is prepared, I will eat it and I will be very happy.

I've grilled many things in my life, but I had never smoked anything before. Thankfully that all changed a few weeks ago. Our Cali purchase was a $10 smoker at a garage sale. It's a Meca charcoal/water grill with two racks and two bowls. And it's beautiful.

Smoking meats is as easy as it is delicious. I start by filling one of the bowls with charcoal. This charcoal is more difficult to get started, but it lasts for a long time. This is a good thing.

I put the charcoal on the bottom, douse it in lighter fluid and light it through the bottom opening. And now that the fire's going, it's time for the most important part. The meat. 

This time, I felt like cooking boneless pork spareribs. They're not too expensive and will pretty much always turn out tender and succulent and juicy and amazing. I also added some tri-tip that I bought frozen from some random guys in my neighborhood who were selling steaks door-to-door. True story. How did they know I was the type of person to buy meats in this slightly sketchy manner? Life is a mystery. Anyway. 

This combination of spices will make all ribs/chops taste delicious. I should know why, I have read America's New Best Recipe about a million times. All I know is this blend has the perfect amount of sweet and spice and it creates a great meaty crusty char on the outside that makes me salivate. Mmmmm.... So season away! Add more than you think, these are big pieces of meat. 

By now, the charcoal should be about ready. If I have hickory chips, I wrap a couple handfuls in foil, poke holes in the packet and drop it on top. Once it starts smoking, it's time to start...smoking. Fill the second bowl up with liquid. Water. Beer. Wine. Whiskey. Whatever.

Carefully place it on the handles above the charcoal bowl. Put on one grate, place the meat. Put on the second grate, place the meat. Add the top! Walk away for a few hours. Play cornhole!

Even better when you make your own boards

Our smoker has an indicator that tells you when the temperature is ideal. If it gets too hot, we can take the lid off or add more water. If it gets too cold, add more charcoal through the bottom opening. And after five or six hours...

Step back and admire your handiwork

So delicious. The smoker is truly an amazing machine. I wonder what to smoke next. It depends. Will the door-to-door meat salesmen ever return? 

A girl can only hope. 

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