January 30, 2015

Rock City, Kansas

File this one under awesome roadside attractions! 

After spending the previous day exploring the prairie by foot, we were ready to cover some miles in our car, but first we just had to check out nearby Rock City Park in Minneapolis, Kansas. Touted more as a roadside attraction than a geologic park, we were delightfully surprised to find that it was actually more like a roadside playground! This was particularly exciting because it being the middle of winter on a Wednesday, we were the only ones there.

So on the two acre spread overlooking patchwork fields of ranch land and winter wheat, we began climbing all over the 200 round sandstone concretions, formed by calcite from Kansas' prehistoric inland sea and differential erosion, that littered the park. And yes, it was just as cool as the pictures make it look! All around us were rock formations, varying from 3 feet high to 12 feet high and easily climable. In fact, the park encourages climbing!

We spent about an hour exploring and climbing until it was time to hit the road with our sights sent on Colorado. It may seem crazy to say, but if you are ever in the area, I highly suggest stopping by the park for some geology-themed excitement.

(Ps, I may be writing this to you in Tucson, Arizona after a million adventures, but my heart is still in Kansas!)


  1. This is such a fun blog! Photography & roadside attractions - doesn't get much better than that!

    1. Thank you, Kelly! I am so glad you found me here. I have so many more adventures to share from this trip...

  2. Holy smokes! This place looks awesome!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kaylah! As an avid reader of your blog, I definitely thought of you while I was here... we have seen so many roadside attractions that I know you would really enjoy!

  3. great place :)


    1. Thanks! Loving your blog - can't wait to check out more.

  4. Those rock formations look so beautiful!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

    1. Connie, they were! I just love finding awesome new rock formations - especially climbing on them!
