January 15, 2014

A Thanksgivukkah Roadtrip!

Well, here in California it is finally starting to feel like winter (or fall at least) and I must say I do not care for it one bit. At least the sun is still shining! And Dpel and I are very happy to be home after a week of whirlwind traveling for Thanksgivukkah. Dpel had the entire week off which is just crazy! Unheard of! Unprecedented! Undeniably a great excuse for a road trip!

We set off on a gorgeous, sunny Monday afternoon. Our first stop was Riverside, California to visit our friend Rickshaw, video game creator, hacker, vegetarian and astrophysics Ph.D. candidate. Riverside is a HUGE suburb of LA, and despite the presence of the college there isn't a lot going on there. On the plus side it's surrounded by beautiful mountains and Rickshaw lives minutes away from an amazing park.

Just watch out for rattlesnakes and amateur graffiti artists

After only one night we had to move on, in a hurry to reach our next destination: Joshua Tree, one of California's 26 national parks. This particular park is slightly bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island. Wild.

A person could spend days in Joshua Tree and never get bored. We took a long drive through the park and hiked the 3-mile loop to the peak of Ryan Mountain, but our trip was cut short by the lack of campsites. All the campgrounds were depressingly full of RVs and screaming children. So instead, we pushed on! To the land of...RVs and screaming adults. 

And glitter, thankfully

Yes, Vegas is where we chose to spend our Turkey Day. DPel's mom was in town so we figured why not? There's something about that city's excess that tickles me greatly.

Not to mention it's only 20 minutes from downtown Las Vegas to the magnificent Hoover Dam. 

Unfortunately it's almost 10 hours from the Hoover Dam to Cupertino. But who's complaining? It's a road trip! Overall, we traveled 1250 miles, visited two states, hiked one mountain AND...

Played several games of giant cornhole. Success!

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